From “Sober "Satyavati” To “Morose Machaan”

This post is not part of the Sleepy Sunday contest –II by “We Blog” because the author was subject to mind extraction and someone planted an idea now, using inception technique. Hence he is posting this unclassifiable bullshit now The contest was a 300 words Interpretation of a picture. Take look at this tears/love failure feeling inducing downright sober picture. Most of posts I read were basically poems. There were some good ones with rhyming words. Poems and I dont go together. Rhyme for me is very important so that i can recite it like a rap. To sum it all up, the whole mood of almost all the posts were so sober, even a take it easy, lunatic, tea totaling and happy go lucky guy like me wanting to have a spliff, a large ( mixing water and side dish included) and to grow beard. Just to spice up my mood and few others i gave the picture some twist and made it morose, hell yeah! If you notice carefully, you can notice the Indian flavor of this roc...