2010 – Tattanked!

Its been a really long time since I blogged, that's mainly because of me being sandwiched between 12 hr classes for a month now! Out of the blue my second session for the last day of the 2010 has been cancelled and I am writing this post. Being back home at the stroke of 1 seems a luxury! Same time last year, I was pondering the fact whether 2010 would be a good year because ‘even years’ have never been great for me. But 2010 has just turned my world upside down, probably the most successful year of my life ever. Considering that I was such a success deprived person for almost 3/4th of my life it's quite overwhelming for me. I did things, which I've not even dreamed that I would do. 2010 has been a year of many firsts in my life. 1. First proficiency prize 2. First graduation 3. First Tweet 4. First blogger meet 5. Meeting my blog friends, in person and further strengthening the bond 6. First #perkytweet win 7. Fi...