My Tryst with God

Does God exist? this question has been lurking me for a long time. Since i was  born and brought up in a religious brahmin family my tryst with God had begun ever since i stepped onto this world. First thing i was taught was to fold my hands and pray. Everyone has two religions. One they are born into, another that they follow after growing up. Sadly most of the hindu customs are pretty much outta this world and higly symbolic. I was neither religious nor an atheist , but somewhere between the two.

19 is probably not the age for thinking about this. I was thinking about my teenage when was a tween and now my salvation. Pinjiliye pazhuthadhu as one would call in Tamil. This was when i started to search why i am here? Is there any being called GOD? Again it brings to Venkey and Mankey

Venkey: Finally i found it!

Mankey: Found what? Your non-existent brain

Venkey: No stupid, the truth behind God.

Mankey: Hahahaha what truth? You found the ornament worn by Rama and lipstick worn by sita in that dumb serial, Ramayana.

Venkey: No bird brain, let me tell you something. The God i believe in is very different from the God you beleive rather not believe in.

Mankey: Wait! i will shut my ears , Start camera action. go ahead with your lecture.

Venkey: You will never change. Ok who is God according to you?

Mankey: God is a person with circle of light around his head wearing ornaments in gold, Didn't you see any of the  Ramnarayan films, with those sleeky graphics killing demons 

Venkey: Think you are joking . I will tell who God is, he is unimaginable and we cannot comprehend him. He is not a human. he is not male or female.

Mankey: Ok, is he a lion or any animal?

Venkey: You think you are so intelligent? Answer this "Define the word time?"

Mankey: If you travel 50 miles at a speed of 50mph you will reach it in an hour thats time.

Venkey: Nice try mankey but its not a definition, its a comparitive.

Mankey: Then what? 

Venkey: You cant define time because it is a four dimensional object and we are 3 dimensional beings. ( Length, breadth and width) You cant comprehend something which is higher than your dimension.

Mankey: I cannot sense God, how can i say he exists?

Venkey: Can you sense time? No you cant.

Mankey: I can see through its effects.

Venkey: You can also feel god through his effects like this cosmos.

Mankey: If God created this universe, who created God?

Venkey: Do me one favour can you draw a foursided triangle for me?

Mankey: You know how i feel? I feel like kicking your ass with a size twelve boot. Silly!, your question is wrong. 

Venkey: Thats what i meant, so is yours. Time started only when space came into existence, one cannot exist without the other. So there was no time before space and God is not bound by time. He can see that starting and the end of time unlike we lousy 3 dimensional creatures. You cant get a three dimensional being into paper, this explains why he took incarnation to enter this three dimensional world.

Mankey: nice story good imagination.

Venkey: This is not imagination you stupid!, it’s science. They say there are ‘n’ dimensions in mathematics God is one above that, ‘n+1’.

Mankey: Why not 2 or more, is it not his lucky number according to numerology. 

Venkey: You will never change, ignorant fool see i am going to take the lead.

Mankey: Lets see its gonna 2-1 in favour of me.

   This probably is the most significant post in my blog till date, at least i believe so. I chose to go with venkey second time around. Score now 2-1. Hope everyone got a hang of the nature of God. Now its upto our very own Poli Poli samiyaar(fake fake, Swami Venkatananda to do the summarising speech.

Swami Venkatanada Says:

Now i am in the process discovering even more truths about this unending debate of God. As far as i am concerned there is only one ultimate God, he is called by different names in different religions. I call it Brahmam ( different from brahma or brahmin). My journey has just started hopefully i will reach the oneness from which this world of maya came into being.Om!!!


John Clayton

Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Hindu cosmology


  1. EA

    Life is all about philosophy i am here to enlighten all those souls. piece pieca pogamal peacsundan Vaazhvayaga.

  2. EA

    Life is all about philosophy i am here to enlighten all those souls. piece pieca pogamal peacsundan Vaazhvayaga.

  3. i hope Swami Venkatanada made u clear.

  4. i hope Swami Venkatanada made u clear.

  5. Ajay enna hindi kalakura po

    Archana nice to see you in my blog.thanks for your comments

  6. Ajay enna hindi kalakura po

    Archana nice to see you in my blog.thanks for your comments

  7. Nice post. It's not wrong or unusual to be thinking about these things. I was just like you. Took me time to find my own philosophy. I think it's a big part of life... this finding your philosophy. But don't take anyone's word. Find out things yourself. I suggest you read as much as you can. I could recommend a few books if you want. But by all means read, write and debate. There is no age for these things.
    As for your theory of fourth dimension- you definitely need to read up on that. Also Mathematics has n- dimensions. Not 11.
    On the same topic I have this story I wrote some time back. The only story in my blog. You can read it @

  8. Nice post. It's not wrong or unusual to be thinking about these things. I was just like you. Took me time to find my own philosophy. I think it's a big part of life... this finding your philosophy. But don't take anyone's word. Find out things yourself. I suggest you read as much as you can. I could recommend a few books if you want. But by all means read, write and debate. There is no age for these things.
    As for your theory of fourth dimension- you definitely need to read up on that. Also Mathematics has n- dimensions. Not 11.
    On the same topic I have this story I wrote some time back. The only story in my blog. You can read it @

  9. @ajai

    I an not saying its wrong it is just odd. there a millions of things we need to know. Some say there are 10, 11 and 26 and infinite, whatever it is GOD is n+1. nice to see in my blog Ajai keep visiting.

  10. @ajai

    I an not saying its wrong it is just odd. there a millions of things we need to know. Some say there are 10, 11 and 26 and infinite, whatever it is GOD is n+1. nice to see in my blog Ajai keep visiting.

  11. Awesome take dude! First there is a quest, then confusion and clarity finally!

  12. Awesome take dude! First there is a quest, then confusion and clarity finally!

  13. no still not clear rakesh needs lot more to understand. One life is not enough how come one post be enough

  14. no still not clear rakesh needs lot more to understand. One life is not enough how come one post be enough

  15. gud one! i think venkey had won! you proved mankey that god is invincible!

  16. gud one! i think venkey had won! you proved mankey that god is invincible!

  17. Hey Venky .. thank you so much for dropping by my blog and reading them.. I just wanna tell you that don't get scared about your job. By the time you finish CA all this so-called recession and economic downturn stuff will get over. Yo'll get a good job :) and don't stop with CA do something else also :)

    Regarding this post, Very good :) I like Mankey :P

    All the best.
    Cheers :)

  18. Hey Venky .. thank you so much for dropping by my blog and reading them.. I just wanna tell you that don't get scared about your job. By the time you finish CA all this so-called recession and economic downturn stuff will get over. Yo'll get a good job :) and don't stop with CA do something else also :)

    Regarding this post, Very good :) I like Mankey :P

    All the best.
    Cheers :)

  19. Hey sowmi u like that mankey He is 3rd grade good for nothing jackass, I hope u change or else u will in trouble like Venky AKA Venkat(not me). Click name and see why?

  20. Hey sowmi u like that mankey He is 3rd grade good for nothing jackass, I hope u change or else u will in trouble like Venky AKA Venkat(not me). Click name and see why?

  21. nice creative post again. however i dont agree god is there. i certainly not. its so coz of a simple reason, i have not seen him, if u say u cant see god then acording to me i dont have god.

    its only coz of god ter are these many religions in this nation if u can say and prove god is one then if u can break there is only one religion if u can take our nation in a developing path thn i may agree.

    anyways nice post.
    keep posting.
    watching u for ur posts

  22. nice creative post again. however i dont agree god is there. i certainly not. its so coz of a simple reason, i have not seen him, if u say u cant see god then acording to me i dont have god.

    its only coz of god ter are these many religions in this nation if u can say and prove god is one then if u can break there is only one religion if u can take our nation in a developing path thn i may agree.

    anyways nice post.
    keep posting.
    watching u for ur posts

  23. u dont see time,feel time,taste time, hear time.u agree there is time. u can say that i can see it through its effects, the same way u can feel god through his effects if you are willing to open your eyes. read it carefully refer the sources if you can, i think u skimmed through the post. There are millions of things we cant see and it still exist, time will come when u will realise this. No one has seen a single atom still they discovered atom bomb believing what an atom is.I can list you more.

    All evils are caused by misleading people how can u blame god for it.

    As far as single religion goes all religions are pretty similiar it is they presented or mispresented in a different way. Once again read the post carefully i have said there is only one god i call it brahmam others call it differently.

    anyway nice to see u spark nice debate.

  24. u dont see time,feel time,taste time, hear time.u agree there is time. u can say that i can see it through its effects, the same way u can feel god through his effects if you are willing to open your eyes. read it carefully refer the sources if you can, i think u skimmed through the post. There are millions of things we cant see and it still exist, time will come when u will realise this. No one has seen a single atom still they discovered atom bomb believing what an atom is.I can list you more.

    All evils are caused by misleading people how can u blame god for it.

    As far as single religion goes all religions are pretty similiar it is they presented or mispresented in a different way. Once again read the post carefully i have said there is only one god i call it brahmam others call it differently.

    anyway nice to see u spark nice debate.

  25. Interesting post. It has taken me a while to get here but I enjoyed the Venkey-Mankey discussions.

    As for my take on God, I will reserve it for the time-being. Calling myself an agnostic may not be a very good short-hand for my views but for now that is all is avbl and I will stop there.

    Ah, yes, loved the spurts of humour...esp the ornaments and lip-stick in the Ramayanam serial.

  26. Interesting post. It has taken me a while to get here but I enjoyed the Venkey-Mankey discussions.

    As for my take on God, I will reserve it for the time-being. Calling myself an agnostic may not be a very good short-hand for my views but for now that is all is avbl and I will stop there.

    Ah, yes, loved the spurts of humour...esp the ornaments and lip-stick in the Ramayanam serial.

  27. well most of people are agonistic, though they saw god exists they really dont know. Well if we can understand GOD completely then he is not GOD. I still do not get it add me in the list too, i am in search of this ultimate knowledge, hoping i am on the right track.

    nice to see u in my blog srinivas.

  28. well most of people are agonistic, though they saw god exists they really dont know. Well if we can understand GOD completely then he is not GOD. I still do not get it add me in the list too, i am in search of this ultimate knowledge, hoping i am on the right track.

    nice to see u in my blog srinivas.

  29. aray re swami bosss.........good one .......keep it comin and if possible gimme some new topics for my blog.........hahahahahahahahahaha

  30. aray re swami bosss.........good one .......keep it comin and if possible gimme some new topics for my blog.........hahahahahahahahahaha

  31. Hey venki..thanks for commenting.... Nice one about god..But can you write something about ghost too... YOur blog is way better than mine..

  32. Hey venki..thanks for commenting.... Nice one about god..But can you write something about ghost too... YOur blog is way better than mine..

  33. ghosta will try for sure in the near future. Nice to see in my blog shankar

  34. ghosta will try for sure in the near future. Nice to see in my blog shankar

  35. awesome post.. I liked you mankey..

    ok for one moment lets agree your statement god is something who cannot be seen or felt just like time.. then why go to temple or a church or a masjid.. Cant we just spread the effects of god.. why do millions waste their time and money..

  36. awesome post.. I liked you mankey..

    ok for one moment lets agree your statement god is something who cannot be seen or felt just like time.. then why go to temple or a church or a masjid.. Cant we just spread the effects of god.. why do millions waste their time and money..

  37. ya thats my point there are tons of things we cannot perceive through our senses but still exists. I personally feel temples are just eye candy and nothing more.

  38. ya thats my point there are tons of things we cannot perceive through our senses but still exists. I personally feel temples are just eye candy and nothing more.

  39. The long quest for finding the Supreme starts with the first step.Best wishes on your spiritual journey

  40. The long quest for finding the Supreme starts with the first step.Best wishes on your spiritual journey

  41. dear venky,
    the invitation was like this......''if you want,have a look!''MY GOD!if i wnat,he doesn't want!
    anyways,you liked the conversation with God given in my post.lovely.
    you could write this post as God exists!
    ''Even if i gaze into a crystal ball,
    I will never see and understand it all,
    but i know that i'd be lost if you went away;
    I'd forever seek brighter days,
    Thank God for you.''
    seek and you will beliefs n convictions are safe with me........
    now,your age speaks.........
    time will reach you along with experiences..........

  42. dear venky,
    the invitation was like this......''if you want,have a look!''MY GOD!if i wnat,he doesn't want!
    anyways,you liked the conversation with God given in my post.lovely.
    you could write this post as God exists!
    ''Even if i gaze into a crystal ball,
    I will never see and understand it all,
    but i know that i'd be lost if you went away;
    I'd forever seek brighter days,
    Thank God for you.''
    seek and you will beliefs n convictions are safe with me........
    now,your age speaks.........
    time will reach you along with experiences..........

  43. first I want to congratulate u on this mankey thing.....

    second I liked the idea...pretty much like the one I used to think....
    u read the last line of my post......

  44. Nice post. You made me think, but no, I still hold on to my belief that God isn't there. Even if he is there, the idea that he is there doesn't perform any worthwhile function to humankind. Its how human you are that matters ultimately; God or no God.

    I liked Ajai's comment above, regarding having ur own philosophy. I mentioned it on my own blog as well, but Ajai expressed its importance in a better way.

    The theory of God being analogous to time (4th dimension) was what made me think actually. I thought "So I think God isn't there. Does that mean even Time isn't there?!" And I thought yeah! Even time is a theory to explain certain things! The philosopher-sort-of-mind that mine is, I have actually now decided to ponder over this time-God correlation. I'll surely inform you about my conclusions in some days! Thanks for making me think. Few blog posts do so.

  45. @ Tanay: The problem with Humans is that they think they are special. The word "being human" is a bit of an irony. We are like a virus on this planet. What does it actually mean? Definitely not anything good with kind of things we have been doing.

    Moreover the ultimate quest for anyone ( I think) is to find out their roots. The biggest mystery is our origin, its worth is priceless.

    I also think that thinking that all things spurred suddenly out nowhere isnt also logical too as to think there is GOD. Perhaps we will never be able to figure that out.

    Everything has limitations. A lizard hanging on the wall can never understand how a bulb is being lit and principles that go with it nor can you explain and make it understand. This may be one of those things.

    People say "Time is the GOD in the realms of Mankind" I say the being which controls time is GOD.

    I am glad made someone think!

  46. Really good post, this is.

    The thing is I think people think of God as either a human form, or in the form of the energy that created the universe, to justify the things that they have no control over. If it was energy, then why can't you call it energy - why give it another name? It's because if you give it feelings, or if your turn the energy into something that can think - then may be everything isn't out of control!
    Maybe you can pray to the energy and it will help you. God is something man created to increase his confidence in himself!

    I'd rather believe in myself, than some inexplicable "energy" or "force of nature"

  47. @ Priya

    Thats what i say, God aint human. He aint male or female. It is just our interpretation. He aint energy either. He is something we cant fathom. Because he is an higher being like you cant understand what time really is and our knowledge is limited to only what exist in this 3 dimensional world.

    Bhagavad Gita also say we are what our action and GOD doesnt control it.


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