While i am writing this, you would be happily putting your feet in some cold water and beat the heat. You know what am i doing sitting here thinking about my next exam which seems to be near oblivion. Have you heard of exams lasting a month. Pretty much similar to that of two planets having different revolutionary periods, Mad-ras University is out of this world (from now onwards MU).They are the masters of making jackasses out of almost everyone. If you expect to fail you will pass, expect to pass you will fail. It is even more tougher to understand it, probably catching osama is easier. I did some observation to come with this

What is so special about MU?
  1. Exams lasting a month.
  2. Vacations between exams ( like the one i am enjoying right now).
  3. Quick result publishing within 45 days with 3 days months of grace.
  4. Supports creativity. you write your own story and screenplay.
  5. Answers last for pages.
  6. Hall ticket will be a mystery until 2 days before exam.

Example of how to write MU exam:

Mani Ratnam Version:
"i will meet you tomorrow"
MU version:
" Me Venky, living in Chennai, near to the coast, having beaches, also known as Madras, will meet you, after today, before day after tomorrow, i.e tomorrow,which never dies"
My semester timetable:
  • 9-5-2009 = Company Law
  • 20-5-2009 = Environmental Studies
  • 21-5-2009 = Corporate A/C s
  • 22-5-2009 = Principles of Management
  • 28-5-2009 = Business Communication.
If you observe you will see that i have two summer holidays one between 9th may to 20th and another between 22th may to 28th may.

You can compare this schedule to a cricket match. Good opening partnership and then Hat trick!, flourish in the end. !@#$%^&* i am lost for words wow ! Can anybody schedule exams such metaphorically? answer me.

This is only the beginning of MU leelais ( Pastime). I will be posting a series of MU leelais.
Until then bye from MU basher.


  1. the vandavalams of MU have come into vellicham.

    good one

  2. the vandavalams of MU have come into vellicham.

    good one

  3. await my upcoming posts in this category

  4. await my upcoming posts in this category

  5. ha ha .. macha suxx in AM jain .. and Madras univ totally sux to core (-;

    srivatsan (Your CPT friend)

  6. ha ha .. macha suxx in AM jain .. and Madras univ totally sux to core (-;

    srivatsan (Your CPT friend)

  7. hi da Srivatsan how did you find this blog man, anyway thanks for your thoughts

  8. hi da Srivatsan how did you find this blog man, anyway thanks for your thoughts

  9. ergh,, i've sorta got fed up with the sheer incompetence shown by the madras univ and the people who run it!! its jus annoyin,, with every passin year these guys seem to be gettin worse,, they have absolutely no clue as to what management is all about!!

  10. ergh,, i've sorta got fed up with the sheer incompetence shown by the madras univ and the people who run it!! its jus annoyin,, with every passin year these guys seem to be gettin worse,, they have absolutely no clue as to what management is all about!!

  11. wait watch i rip them off in my series of Mad-ras University leelais

  12. wait watch i rip them off in my series of Mad-ras University leelais

  13. [rubs hands] cant wait to read 'em!!

  14. [rubs hands] cant wait to read 'em!!

  15. waiting to know more of MU leelais!

  16. waiting to know more of MU leelais!


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