Racism Factoid Venkey Mankey Style

I was really disgusted at the way Indian students were being beaten up down under. Umpteen number of cases have come up just recently about racial abuse. . Do you remember Venkey and Mankey, my inner personalities? A few things were going on in my turbulent mind about this issue. Here it what happened.

Venkey: Do you know ? Indian students are being attacked by the rogues in Australia, all News channels are reporting  about this thing.

Mankey: Wow what a discovery? The Aussies are racists, they have a history of this.

Venkey: you cant present a picture on the whole country like that, it’s not fair.

Mankey: what? fair do they even know the meaning of fair, it shows in their cricket.

Venkey: Don't bring sport into this.

Mankey: Lame excuse! I don't know how Symonds lives there, probably because he is not a Indian. hahaha

Venkey: Ok I will play by your rules , what did Harbhajan do in Australia and what did the crowd do in India to Symonds, did they offer flower garland and worship Lord Hanuman. They were abusing him, you silly!

Mankey: no comments next question please.

Venkey: now that's a lame excuse!

Mankey: Ok, let us  change the topic! so do you say the attacks were not racial?

Venkey: Of course not, but you can't say the whole country is racist.

Mankey: You make me laugh.

Venkey: Do you even know the meaning of racism.

Mankey: I know

Venkey: I know you don't know anything about it. I will give the UN definition of racism.

"racial discrimination shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

Mankey: Hey peter ( one who speaks too much English) explain it, so that other people can understand.

Venkey: I knew you would not understand, it is so like you. Falling on the ground face first and saying there is no mud in my mush.

Mankey: OK enough! enough!, I don't have mush in the first place.

Venkey: i will tell you what racism is

"Racism is not just calling names like chinky, monkey, blacky, negro and that sort, yes it hurts ,it amounts to abuse and racism is much deeper. It is depriving people of their human rights in that society based on race"

Mankey: Stop your lecture, do you mean to say India is free of racism.

Venkey: No, we have our own share in the form of casteism, that doesn't mean India as a whole is racist or casteist. So you cant personify a whole country as racist.

Mankey: You clearly don't know which side you are in.

Venkey: I am on the right side.

Mankey: huh! I am on left side, stupid don't think you are too smart.

Venkey: Say whatever you want Truth always triumphs.

Mankey:We will see, what happened last time? muhahahahaha!

Hmm longggg conversation wasn’t it? Took me hell a lot of a time to decide which one i should go with. This time sanity prevailed i went with Venkey in me, he made some sense. Score now 1-1 . Now probably you guys could make make out the difference between racism and abusing people with filth words. If you encounter abuse, think they are suckers and just ignore it, fight if your fundamental rights are being taken of in a civilized, taking the law in your hands only makes the problem worse.

Swami Venkatanda says

" Do not portray a country as racist, because of some unclean souls, cleanse your soul. Chant the mantra 'Racist Oligaya namaha' "


  1. Ah! atlast you made an attempt to listen to venkey. Thats the way to go for venkey! Racism should be abolished as venkey says. Good improvement!

  2. Ah! atlast you made an attempt to listen to venkey. Thats the way to go for venkey! Racism should be abolished as venkey says. Good improvement!

  3. Thanks for thoughts buddy i dont seriously make an attempt to only listen to mankey, i have listened to venkey many times before.

  4. Thanks for thoughts buddy i dont seriously make an attempt to only listen to mankey, i have listened to venkey many times before.

  5. hmmm,, on this one i sorta tend to wish to take 'mankey's side' (uh dont know why,, maybe its because it could be 'my mankey' takin over me ;)). .u know what a country's all about with whom they wanna potray as their heroes!! when u wanna idolize 'andrew symonds' as one of your nation's heroes,, i'm afraid that pretty much says what ur nation's culture and beliefs are! i would like to quote what mahatma gandhi said about the apartheid in south africa,, 'when u bleed, u dont bleed 'black or white',, u jus bleed 'red' !!

  6. hmmm,, on this one i sorta tend to wish to take 'mankey's side' (uh dont know why,, maybe its because it could be 'my mankey' takin over me ;)). .u know what a country's all about with whom they wanna potray as their heroes!! when u wanna idolize 'andrew symonds' as one of your nation's heroes,, i'm afraid that pretty much says what ur nation's culture and beliefs are! i would like to quote what mahatma gandhi said about the apartheid in south africa,, 'when u bleed, u dont bleed 'black or white',, u jus bleed 'red' !!

  7. whats happenin down under is an absolute sabotage of indian students and the indian community over there,, a lot of us may tend to think its jus because we, indians are a growin nation and that there is a growin insecurity amongst foreigners that we may snatch away their jobs!! hmmm, i disagree with that because there's a fault with both us, indians and these forigners! yes those aussies with their drinkin culture pose as the only culprits,, but they are only a 'part of the problem'!! its also these indian students who communicate btw each other in their mother language which may provoke these aussies! look i aint against indian students goin abroad to pursue their higher studies but they should stop acting like 'self important smugs' and keep a low profile!

  8. whats happenin down under is an absolute sabotage of indian students and the indian community over there,, a lot of us may tend to think its jus because we, indians are a growin nation and that there is a growin insecurity amongst foreigners that we may snatch away their jobs!! hmmm, i disagree with that because there's a fault with both us, indians and these forigners! yes those aussies with their drinkin culture pose as the only culprits,, but they are only a 'part of the problem'!! its also these indian students who communicate btw each other in their mother language which may provoke these aussies! look i aint against indian students goin abroad to pursue their higher studies but they should stop acting like 'self important smugs' and keep a low profile!

  9. first of all nice to see you back in full flow after your exams. Who said Symonds is their hero, even if he is their hero it may be for the right reasons.Drinking Aussies what are talking its really hard to find a young Indian who doesn't drink, may be if come out of your stereotypical conservartive mindset you would understand.

  10. first of all nice to see you back in full flow after your exams. Who said Symonds is their hero, even if he is their hero it may be for the right reasons.Drinking Aussies what are talking its really hard to find a young Indian who doesn't drink, may be if come out of your stereotypical conservartive mindset you would understand.

  11. hmm,, i sorta agree i'm a bit conservative alrite but brandin me a stereotype,, hmmm jus doesn seem to go well with me!! hey,, i would appreciate if you can read my post(2nd one)once again. .i said, "the aussies and their drinkin culture are a 'part of the problem',, i know its also got to do with this indian community lot over there!! here again i aint pointin ma finger at everyone!!

  12. hmm,, i sorta agree i'm a bit conservative alrite but brandin me a stereotype,, hmmm jus doesn seem to go well with me!! hey,, i would appreciate if you can read my post(2nd one)once again. .i said, "the aussies and their drinkin culture are a 'part of the problem',, i know its also got to do with this indian community lot over there!! here again i aint pointin ma finger at everyone!!

  13. besides i feel there has been li'l done by both govts to solve this issue,, if u find the aussies and a certain mr.kevin rudd bein irresponsible and turning a blind eye to the entire problem,, i think u'll havta say the same thing about the indian govt as well!!

  14. besides i feel there has been li'l done by both govts to solve this issue,, if u find the aussies and a certain mr.kevin rudd bein irresponsible and turning a blind eye to the entire problem,, i think u'll havta say the same thing about the indian govt as well!!

  15. Fault is on both sides, i don't buy into your argument that speaking in their mother language makes them attack them, any way thanks mate for reading my post and being responsible earthling.

  16. Fault is on both sides, i don't buy into your argument that speaking in their mother language makes them attack them, any way thanks mate for reading my post and being responsible earthling.


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