Swine Flew huch 1 'n' 1

    Still wondering what the topic deals with, it is a funny take on a serious issue of Swine Flu. before that some serious info on it. Swine flu is a disease caused by swine influenza virus which is also called H1N1. WHO annouced it as pandemic based on its spread and not its effect so no worries peops. This virus was first affecting only pigs but then flew to humans through mutations, it spreads through Sneeze (huch!), it s like anyother cold it being fatal is very rare. Its vaccine is tamiflu.  Now i'll tell you the story of Swine flu huch 1 'n' 1 virus.

    Once upon a time, not so long ago there were two scientists of the Panny and Fanny, they were evil scientists wanting to make mankind suffer. They wanted humans to sneeze hard and spit mucous from their nose, undigested food from mouth and semi digested food from the back running; u know what i mean, diarrhea. And also tickle their throat, suckle their energy, tweak the joint and cause pain; raise the temperature like summer heat and everything else bad.

  So they chose Panny's kuladeivam ( Clan's God) Pig. They mutated the Influenza A virus to attack the filthy humans. They were working day and day and partied heavily at nights. One day during the day light after their hangover when they were working, Boom an explosion the virus was mutated, hurray! said panny. The virus is now mutated muhahaha >:). Fanny being an orthodaox hindu wanted to do Puniyojanam (Christening ceremony). Fanny and Panny had no words after their acheivement. Panny went out in the open to spread the virus wearing a face mask. Panny uttered his God's name Swine (pig) in reverence and raised his hands and dropped the Kirimi bomb( Virus bomb) it flew to humans , huch! one of the humans sneeze it spread then another sneezed and mission was over the nameless virus struck. Panny smsed the happenings to Fanny from the crime spot.

Swine flu huch 1 'n' 1 in sms language, which shortens already short words to even shorter single letter like OK to K.
  Fanny recieved the message, bulb lit over his head and they named the virus with scientific touch mixing numbers and letters and named it "Swine Flu H1 N1".

(NOTE: This post is just to tickle your funny bone and is unclassifiable bullshit)


  1. as always u have taken a very serious issue a funny one, still its gud coz ur article says abt how it affects and wat all will happen and some more stuff.

    nice article.
    men can be educated in 2 ways, imparting knowledge directly are imparting knowledge in a jolly way. u take the later part to educate.

    keep posting,
    looking forward for more info like this

  2. as always u have taken a very serious issue a funny one, still its gud coz ur article says abt how it affects and wat all will happen and some more stuff.

    nice article.
    men can be educated in 2 ways, imparting knowledge directly are imparting knowledge in a jolly way. u take the later part to educate.

    keep posting,
    looking forward for more info like this

  3. thank you man for still thinking my unclassifiable bullshit as a piece of info and following my blog. Let me say you are a really really positive human being unlike me.

  4. thank you man for still thinking my unclassifiable bullshit as a piece of info and following my blog. Let me say you are a really really positive human being unlike me.

  5. good one!! nice to have some funny things out

  6. good one!! nice to have some funny things out

  7. swine flu can be disastrous but ur blog is even more disastrous ..... man i cant stop laughin...nice one venky.....keep on writin....way to go....

  8. swine flu can be disastrous but ur blog is even more disastrous ..... man i cant stop laughin...nice one venky.....keep on writin....way to go....

  9. thanks Ravi and Manoj for sharing your views

    I will continue writing this sort of bullshit now and then. :D

  10. thanks Ravi and Manoj for sharing your views

    I will continue writing this sort of bullshit now and then. :D

  11. Oh Manny zingu! It's so nice to hear these type of stories! It's so humorous & funny! Way to go! But there is one evil guy in your blog. He may try to steal ur stories & modify it. BEAWARE!!! Don't allow him to do that. Jus b careful!!!!!!!!!!1

  12. Oh Manny zingu! It's so nice to hear these type of stories! It's so humorous & funny! Way to go! But there is one evil guy in your blog. He may try to steal ur stories & modify it. BEAWARE!!! Don't allow him to do that. Jus b careful!!!!!!!!!!1

  13. yean yethukku yean ippudi. Yosinga yosinga

  14. yean yethukku yean ippudi. Yosinga yosinga

  15. aheemmm... 2 swine flu cases reported in chennai :P

  16. aheemmm... 2 swine flu cases reported in chennai :P

  17. vidunga vidunga antha thunda edungappa, anyway Panny and fanny are done, now god will kanna kuttify. liked the story or not.

    thanks for visiting my blog keep coming back

  18. vidunga vidunga antha thunda edungappa, anyway Panny and fanny are done, now god will kanna kuttify. liked the story or not.

    thanks for visiting my blog keep coming back

  19. hahaha.. story is good.. technical error a change pannu.. :P

  20. hahaha.. story is good.. technical error a change pannu.. :P

  21. storyla ithellam sakajamappa. now changed it to Indians in India

  22. storyla ithellam sakajamappa. now changed it to Indians in India

  23. Lol! Awesome take on the whole thing! I remember when Obama announced his intentions to run for Presidency, some senator commented "If he became President, then pis would fly and now 100 odd days after Obama took over - Swine Flu"

  24. Lol! Awesome take on the whole thing! I remember when Obama announced his intentions to run for Presidency, some senator commented "If he became President, then pis would fly and now 100 odd days after Obama took over - Swine Flu"

  25. Ah, I also see a friend here - The wolf!

    Enna EA, eppadi Irukken?

    Whats up apart from those takes on Father P? ;)

  26. Ah, I also see a friend here - The wolf!

    Enna EA, eppadi Irukken?

    Whats up apart from those takes on Father P? ;)

  27. hey welcome to my blog thanks for your thoughts. would like to see more of you in this blog

  28. hey welcome to my blog thanks for your thoughts. would like to see more of you in this blog

  29. [huh. .jus abt managed to get back onto my chair, i almost slid out of it laughin!! ]

    well venky looks like the creative and imaginative matter in ur brain seems to growin by the day!

    jus one piece of advice: Dont ever hold urself from all of this 'bullshittin',, jus let it rip!!

  30. [huh. .jus abt managed to get back onto my chair, i almost slid out of it laughin!! ]

    well venky looks like the creative and imaginative matter in ur brain seems to growin by the day!

    jus one piece of advice: Dont ever hold urself from all of this 'bullshittin',, jus let it rip!!

  31. vidunga vidunga, guarantee there is one Mr bullshit waiting in the wings

  32. vidunga vidunga, guarantee there is one Mr bullshit waiting in the wings


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