Venkey Vs Mankey

You guys must wonder,  is "Mankey" a typo. Are Venkey and Venky the same. All the answers lie in this post.

First i will clear the air that "Mankey" is not a typo and it is my inner personality which is mischievous. There is also another character rather an angel in Venkey. And then there is me Venky aka Venkat(different from Venkey). Confusing isn't it. May be these pics would throw some light into the darkness created by my confused brain.

Now you guys must be somewhat half clear. To clear the half or to erase whatever left in your memory about this, i will give a taste of Venkey vs Mankey Medicine.

It was my accountancy examination, everything was known but became pretty alien when i started answering the questions. This was due to the constant conflict between Venkey and Mankey. It was my the last question and it's worth 20 marks good enough to get you 60 as well as bad enough to make you fail. The last thing i needed was Venkey and Mankey to battle for this one and ruin my day. But sadly in life everything never works your way. As the saying goes "if whatever you desire in life happens, then there is no God, if you always desire what is happening there is no sorrow in life" I did the latter half of the saying.

The question was to prepare a Bank balance sheet, everything was going smooth. I was happily marking the schedule. There was one such item called Acceptance on behalf the customers, that was when the party poopers came in.

Time: I forgot
Battlefield: Accountancy Examination Hall

  • Venky aka Venkat: Ok 'Acceptance on behalf of customers' which schedule will it belong to?
  • Venkey: Don't worry Venkey is here.
  • Venkat: cut the crap and tell the answer.
  • Venkey: easy bro, it belongs to schedule 12 contingent liabilities.
  • Venkat: i thought it, thanks Venkey
  • Mankey: Hey Venkat do u have any sense, you are listening to Venkey.
  • Venkat: what do you want?
  • Mankey: Venkey is wrong how can it be a Contingent liability, It is Other liability Schedule-4, think?
  • Venkey: why you! Mankey , don't listen, he is misleading.
  • Venkat: Shut up Venkey may be he his right, i am going with Mankey.
  • Venkey: you will suffer for this, Mankey i will get you next time.
  • Mankey: Muhahahaha!
  • Venkat: AH that's it, i will give this paper and leave, bye bye Corporate Accountancy.
I went out and opened the book and it not surprisingly turned out to be the wrong answer, Venkey was right. Now my life is hanging in balance.

All you guys out try listen to your Venkey or what ever you may call inside you, beware of Mankey. This is the preaching of me Swami Venkatananda. (" hey Mankey what shall we do tonight, its boring to listen to Venkey"). Pretty confusing isn't it, this is what they have done me.

( P.S if you feel really confused it is because of Mankey. Venkey has nothing to do with it, Mankey is in jail serving his sentence for that)


  1. yeah.... venkey s the real hero as it says never listen to mankey...he s the devil...

  2. yeah.... venkey s the real hero as it says never listen to mankey...he s the devil...

  3. i try but mankey somehow tries to catch hold of me.

  4. i try but mankey somehow tries to catch hold of me.

  5. post is nice. its not wise to give personals pics in net... try to avoid those.

    it would be nice if ur post conveys some good meanings than ur personals. i never meant that post is not nice, but people like to gain info out of blogs, they wont try to know ur personals i suppose. any ways ur a good creative writer. develop ur skill...
    nice ones.

    vist us at and

  6. post is nice. its not wise to give personals pics in net... try to avoid those.

    it would be nice if ur post conveys some good meanings than ur personals. i never meant that post is not nice, but people like to gain info out of blogs, they wont try to know ur personals i suppose. any ways ur a good creative writer. develop ur skill...
    nice ones.

    vist us at and

  7. i feel that people probably people would get more info from wiki than me. Info in blogs is something i don't believe in the other guys guess is as good as mine and is not reliable, and this is blog is not about info, its plain and simple views and my experiences of my life.

    Anyways thanks for your constructive comment

  8. i feel that people probably people would get more info from wiki than me. Info in blogs is something i don't believe in the other guys guess is as good as mine and is not reliable, and this is blog is not about info, its plain and simple views and my experiences of my life.

    Anyways thanks for your constructive comment

  9. It was really awesome & very humorous. U should really have listened 2 venkey. Only gud people will lead 2 gud life. I like those conversation. Carry on like tis.

  10. It was really awesome & very humorous. U should really have listened 2 venkey. Only gud people will lead 2 gud life. I like those conversation. Carry on like tis.

  11. i really appreciate that u too my comment has a instructive one. dont say info in blogs are not reliable i am learning many things using blogs and stuff. really some bloges are informative to the core.

    anyways every small word is knowledge and nothing can be neglected weather its good are bad.

    rock on looking forward for ur posts...

  12. i really appreciate that u too my comment has a instructive one. dont say info in blogs are not reliable i am learning many things using blogs and stuff. really some bloges are informative to the core.

    anyways every small word is knowledge and nothing can be neglected weather its good are bad.

    rock on looking forward for ur posts...

  13. thanks mate i will try by best, for info there is your blog i post make people laugh, i will try to make them think as well

  14. thanks mate i will try by best, for info there is your blog i post make people laugh, i will try to make them think as well

  15. pretty good photo choices. this post reminds me of Delhi 6-the movie. The narrator says 'there is a kaala bandar in all of us' or something to that effect

  16. pretty good photo choices. this post reminds me of Delhi 6-the movie. The narrator says 'there is a kaala bandar in all of us' or something to that effect

  17. yes its ture there is a mankey in all of us. thanks for your thoughts good to see you in my blog.

  18. yes its ture there is a mankey in all of us. thanks for your thoughts good to see you in my blog.

  19. hmmm,, yeah there always seems to be an 'angel vs devil' tussle before each and every move/action you get into,, and which side of you wins sorta determines what kinda character you are and what you kinda action you indulge into!! this testifies the 'yin yang' theory that, "Everything has both yin and yang aspects, which constantly interact, never existing in absolute stasis."

  20. hmmm,, yeah there always seems to be an 'angel vs devil' tussle before each and every move/action you get into,, and which side of you wins sorta determines what kinda character you are and what you kinda action you indulge into!! this testifies the 'yin yang' theory that, "Everything has both yin and yang aspects, which constantly interact, never existing in absolute stasis."

  21. you are absolutely right ajay spot on

  22. you are absolutely right ajay spot on

  23. It reminds me of the fightings of My Guriji with Lord Krishna. He used to say there are two drivers for his Body.Lord Krishna used to say I am You & You are ME! But for the drama to move you should act your part!

    God himself splits from oneness for the Leela to go! Very interesting and humourous are your writings.Feel the essence of everything! Database is a secondary tool!Keep going!

  24. It reminds me of the fightings of My Guriji with Lord Krishna. He used to say there are two drivers for his Body.Lord Krishna used to say I am You & You are ME! But for the drama to move you should act your part!

    God himself splits from oneness for the Leela to go! Very interesting and humourous are your writings.Feel the essence of everything! Database is a secondary tool!Keep going!

  25. Thanks for thoughts vishnupriya keep coming back to my blog.

  26. Thanks for thoughts vishnupriya keep coming back to my blog.

  27. hey nice post :P and yea u shud've listened to venkey.. btw.. that pic says "i haven't eaten in six days" (i know french... ahemmm)

  28. hey nice post :P and yea u shud've listened to venkey.. btw.. that pic says "i haven't eaten in six days" (i know french... ahemmm)

  29. @ Elithraniel Arawion.

    Really i thought mankey was sentenced for six years in prison, with some picture analysis, those guys let him beg for food, hahahaha. With long hair and unshaven look he looks like one.

  30. @ Elithraniel Arawion.

    Really i thought mankey was sentenced for six years in prison, with some picture analysis, those guys let him beg for food, hahahaha. With long hair and unshaven look he looks like one.


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