atTagged!!!!!!! Again

Guys i am attagged again by Shankar. This time Its ABC of me, nothing big to say about me though. Of course my Friend has give certain rules for it . You see rules are meant to broken, i am rebel so broke a few so don't go mad Shankar :D 

These are the real rules

  1. Link the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Share the ABCs of you.
  4. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
  5. Let the 3 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
  6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag!

    This how i doctored it to my wishes. 

    1. Link the person who tagged you
    2. Tamper the rules in your blog
    3. Share the ABC's in your blog 
    4. Tag 3 people or tag a person and let him/her tag the pending for you
    5. Kottify or pummel them to submission to take up this tag while you chat
    6. I will tag the same person you don't tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag!

      Now the ABC's of me

      A – Available/Single? Single but not available
      B – Best friend? Actually i would like to add an 's' to it. Hari, Ravi , Ajay and Vicky
      C – Cake or Pie? not both something hot
      D – Drink of choice? Lemon Juice
      E – Essential item you use every day? Computer
      F – Favourite colour? Blue black
      G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? Worms
      H – Hometown? Chennai.
      I – Indulgence? Web 2.0
      J – January or February? January because more holidays, u know Pongal, Republic day and blah , blah
      K – Kids & their names? I love em, kids are great
      L – Life is incomplete without? Happiness and Adventure.
      M – Marriage date? Certainly after 7 or 8yrs from now.
      N – Number of siblings? one... a sister
      O – Oranges or Apples? Apple..which is not shined by wax........
      P – Phobias/Fears? fear of not reachin my goal...
      Q – Quote for today? "Mind sees only what it wants to see"
      R – Reason to smile? Anything.....
      S – Season? Non-existent winter of chennai i mean less hotter Chennai.
      T – Tag 3 People? Sowmi, hey please tag two persons extra for this thumbi ok ;)
      U – Unknown fact about me? I eat kelloggs for lunch ;)
      V – Vegetable you don't like? Bitter gourd…
      W – Worst habit? I use hell a lot of filth words, which i cant tell now
      X – X-rays you've had?An X-ray of my ankle...
      Y – Your favourite food? Hot north Indian Food …
      Z – Zodiac sign? Virgo, this is exactly what i am ….

      Now you guys can get ready to curse me especially Shankar.


      1. nice answers..but it seems u have never tampered the rules..except to tag three persons????

        I think you eat a lot of kelloggs for lunch...thats why you are growing heavier day by day...

      2. nice answers..but it seems u have never tampered the rules..except to tag three persons????

        I think you eat a lot of kelloggs for lunch...thats why you are growing heavier day by day...

      3. @Shankar

        no i tampered three rules

        first was tampering it
        second I tagged the same person
        Third i tagged only one person

        Abt the kellogs i think catch up for in the mornings

      4. @Shankar

        no i tampered three rules

        first was tampering it
        second I tagged the same person
        Third i tagged only one person

        Abt the kellogs i think catch up for in the mornings

      5. Tag is mokai rite :), anyways it was nice knowing ABC's of yu :) and hey yu eat Kellogs for Lunch ..he he and yu forgot october has more holidays than Jan :) ,he he tak care will keep visiting..cya

      6. Tag is mokai rite :), anyways it was nice knowing ABC's of yu :) and hey yu eat Kellogs for Lunch ..he he and yu forgot october has more holidays than Jan :) ,he he tak care will keep visiting..cya

      7. @ sayrem

        Gummy bear is a confectionery, a candy.

      8. @ sayrem

        Gummy bear is a confectionery, a candy.

      9. @ hari

        it was a bit mokkai so i tampered it, Jan or feb of the the two choice between the two so i chose it. or else iwould chose may whole month holiday hehehehe

      10. @ hari

        it was a bit mokkai so i tampered it, Jan or feb of the the two choice between the two so i chose it. or else iwould chose may whole month holiday hehehehe

      11. Tag is not such a gud social networking site. so according to me tagging is a waste.

        not only this rules we tend to tamper all the rules. :D. thats wat is making us venky right?

        nice post.
        nice explanations for ABC... he he he lol

      12. Tag is not such a gud social networking site. so according to me tagging is a waste.

        not only this rules we tend to tamper all the rules. :D. thats wat is making us venky right?

        nice post.
        nice explanations for ABC... he he he lol

      13. @ Sundaram

        Dei what do you mean b social networking site? no one said it si one.

        thats y i didn't tag u buddy i know u dont like it.

        But its fun to know more about, thats what i am here to make a lot of frnds

      14. @ Sundaram

        Dei what do you mean b social networking site? no one said it si one.

        thats y i didn't tag u buddy i know u dont like it.

        But its fun to know more about, thats what i am here to make a lot of frnds


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