
I have been atTagged by my friend Shankar to take up this 4 in 4 tag. Which is weird because my lucky number is 2, why not 2 in 2, whatever i am giving it a go. First of all i am no good at tagging or being tagged. This is because i have very little to say about myself. You know what the toughest thing to do is? it's talking about you, because it's damn difficult man.  Ok i will get into the difficult part, Tagging.

Four places I have lived :

  1. Chennai
  2. Chennai
  3. Chennai
  4. and Chennai

I have spent all my life in chennai, I have never lived even in nearby town, let alone leaving city.

Four T.V shows that I love(d) to watch :

To be honest i cant just name just four, i watch and love tons of shows on TV.  I will reluctantly name a four.
  1. Man Vs Wild
  2. Jailed Abroad
  3. Friends
  4. Dragon Ball Z

Four places that I have been on vacation:

I don't anyone to laugh or make fun of me after you read this, the first one is an exception. the rest are insane.
  1. Kodaikanal
  2. Ponamalle.( my grandma's house)
  3. Nerkundram ( my uncles house)
  4. Tambaram.( my Aunt's house)

Hahahahahaha i told u , only i have the right u guys better not laugh. All this was when i was a kid.

Four of my favourite food items:

 Now lets got to my favorite topic Food , once agian naming four is askin for trouble. Here i give it a go.
  1. Kachori.
  2. Chilli Bajji
  3. Schezwaan Veg Fried Rice. ( hope i got the spelling right)
  4. Chola Poori.
I love North Indian food especially chaat items.

Four websites that I visit daily:

 This is the most simple part of the tag.
  1. Cricinfo
  2. Cricoholic ( my blog hehehehehe)
  3. My Blog list.
  4. Mininova. ( torrent download of newly released films hehehe.......)

Four places I would rather be.

 I would always like to be chennai , so i would give different answer indifferent from others.
  1. Chennai with less heat
  2. Chennai with better roads
  3. Chennai with no mic sets of politicians giving hate speeches.
  4. Finally Chennai with clean coovam and adyar.

Hope these wishes come true

Four things I hope to do before I die.....

 Sorry for being philosophical here. Hey its death man u need to be philosophical.
  1. Find the truth behind God.
  2. Watching my Grandson bathing in a clean coovam.
  3. Visit the Ganges .
  4. Sense the feeling of achieving the above.

Four novels I wish I was reading for the first time:

I dont read books generally so this is sort of easy for me.
  1. Five point someone - Chetan Bhagat
  2. 3 mistakes of my life - Chetan Bhagat.
  3. ..........................................................
  4. ..........................................................
have to fill those up.

Four movies that I can watch over and over again:

Yeah i can watch a few for 'n' number of times, they are
  1. Rang de basanti
  2. Anbe Sivam
  3. Hey Ram
  4. Virumaandi
I watch these movies atleast once in 2 months.

Four people I believe will respond to this tag:

Hmmm let me see as of now i can see one soul who is getting ready to be tagged.  i will name them.

Elithraniel Arawion as she likes to call her.
Ajai's take

Thats it i have successfully completed my Tag hurray!!!!!. Now its your turn to take it up guys, everyone is welcome to get atTagged.


  1. nice answers.. thanks for taking the tag.. and four places i would rather be.. ur answers would never come true...

  2. nice answers.. thanks for taking the tag.. and four places i would rather be.. ur answers would never come true...

  3. Anyway i cant understand vat tag is. good job. I like it. Somevat i can understand.

  4. Anyway i cant understand vat tag is. good job. I like it. Somevat i can understand.

  5. Hey sooper da thumbs... kalakara.. ya am doing it.... will tell u when i put up in my blog da..:)

    sooper a answer paniruka

  6. Hey sooper da thumbs... kalakara.. ya am doing it.... will tell u when i put up in my blog da..:)

    sooper a answer paniruka

  7. Good one especially your wishes about Chennai.

    Funny, your vacation spots and the four cities you have lived in. You have a style developing I can see :)

    I love Chola poori too (though not a great fan of North Indian dishes) and oh yes, I think 'schezwan' is spelt this way with a single 'a'. (not that it matters though).


  8. Good one especially your wishes about Chennai.

    Funny, your vacation spots and the four cities you have lived in. You have a style developing I can see :)

    I love Chola poori too (though not a great fan of North Indian dishes) and oh yes, I think 'schezwan' is spelt this way with a single 'a'. (not that it matters though).


  9. @EA

    khaarr thu ne romba mosam.


    i thought i got that right justu misssu.

  10. @EA

    khaarr thu ne romba mosam.


    i thought i got that right justu misssu.

  11. @ king of time

    Your so dumb da, you have clue what ur talkin?. Clearly confused.

    @ Sowmi

    will wait to see you take it.

  12. @ king of time

    Your so dumb da, you have clue what ur talkin?. Clearly confused.

    @ Sowmi

    will wait to see you take it.

  13. Nice answers and some of thembreflected my views.

  14. Nice answers and some of thembreflected my views.

  15. @ Parthasarathi

    Nice to see in my blog sir hope u have the time visit in future

  16. @ Parthasarathi

    Nice to see in my blog sir hope u have the time visit in future


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