Solar Eclypso Calypso !

 I will kick things of with a "Eclypso Calypso" of mine

"come on 'n ' come on 'n' in the East India come on 'n' party in the patna, ullalalala ulleyo la la la la la la leyo..........."

You can take a cue from "Eclypso Calypso" if you know something about the solar eclipse taking place. The world witnessed the longest ever solar eclipse in 105 years, if you miss it, you wont probably see it again. Of course there are millions of videos available in the web. Patna is the best place to see the eclipse in india is Patna.

OK let me brief you what a eclipse those who already know it take a small nap.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes in between the sun and the earth like Nandi and blocks the light makes it dark. However this happens only during new moon days and rarely a total eclipse is visible in India. It's totality phase usually lasts for 7 minutes.

alright wake up guys, this is what solar eclipse is. There is more to it when it comes to superstitious believes.

The funniest and the dumbest story i have ever heard is this
" a solar eclipse occurs because a big snake swallows the sun so we wont get any light, dark means evil"
hahahahahaha. Really u can defend by saying it as symbolic. How do u symbolise something which is so inane like this.
My day started off as usual as ever in front of the computer. Golden rules in home today was
  1. Don't eat anything until eclipse finishes 
  2. Take a bath after the eclipse finishes 
  3. Specifically dont forget to wash your head. 
  4. Eat after you take bath. 
  5. No onions today. 

i can bear anything but that bath, no no no. It totally disrupts my schedule. I take bath only at 12 noon just before leaving for college. I was ignorant about rule no 3 , so had to take bath twice to feed my growling tummy. So don't be surprised if it rains today.
See the light travels in straight line so we get eclipses. It doesn't take right turn, left turn or u turn. But people are not like that they modify rules according to their wishes, here are those exceptions.

  1. Fasting exempted for Diabetes patients and ailing people 
  2. People who are yet to wear the sacred thread are exempted from eating onions. 
  3. Kids are also exempted. 
  4. If you do without knowing you are exempted. 

I got the exemption no 4 as i did not know i should not shower without shampoo ( don't ask y rules) . I was forced to take two baths and got my tummy filled and wrote this post. One thing both the religious and scientists agree is don't watch it in naked eye. Here in Chennai it was very unusually cloudy usually during celestial spectacles like these. So i had no chance to spoil my retina watching it with a naked eye.

Science doesn't approve many of these facts . Well science cant explain many things in this world. So gave the benefit of doubt to it and just followed it. Poor, I had to watch the eclipse on TV.

I had to say this before i go, yesterday i was watching a debate between a scientist and guy who has researched for 15 yrs and accurately predicted earthquakes and solar eclipse based on planetary movements. The scientist was adamant and dismissed everything. He is a bunch of oxymoron and a self righteous hypocrite.

Scientist: "Science is open minded and it will accept if it is right"
Researcher: But i have done this research for 15 years, why wont u see it.

Scientist: No it is a very primitive way. wont accept.

Researcher: But you never read the papers of my reaearch.

Scientist: {Repeattu (repeat) [play that chandramukhi song]} "Science is open minded and it will accept if it is right. I wont see it is primitive"

very open-minded isn't he. hahahahaha. ;)

( Image courtesy : )


  1. Funny Post da :)

    You took bath two times today??? Wow! Sooper po... kandipa mazhadhan :P and we shouldn't use shampoo?? :O

    I used "Dove Shampoo" and also used "Dove Conditioner" :O edhavadhu aaguma :O

  2. Funny Post da :)

    You took bath two times today??? Wow! Sooper po... kandipa mazhadhan :P and we shouldn't use shampoo?? :O

    I used "Dove Shampoo" and also used "Dove Conditioner" :O edhavadhu aaguma :O

  3. @ sowmi

    No you should not take bath without shampoo, reason they say is that they should take bath you happen to visit a death place. Dont know why.

  4. @ sowmi

    No you should not take bath without shampoo, reason they say is that they should take bath you happen to visit a death place. Dont know why.

  5. hey i took bath only once. two times is highly impossible for me.

    venky i know y we must bath after we visit death places. being near a dead body there are chance of many virus and germs to affect us. so its wise to bath after u return frm death house. even for eclipse its the same.

    whn we dont get sun race there are many chance for virus and germs to double up them selfs so its wist to bath.
    however i dont know abt onion rule. very comic...he he he...

    since is a open book. the man who did research's on wat basis did he do? mythology? if so science cant accept it. as there are no certian proof for any rule followed in mythology.

  6. hey i took bath only once. two times is highly impossible for me.

    venky i know y we must bath after we visit death places. being near a dead body there are chance of many virus and germs to affect us. so its wise to bath after u return frm death house. even for eclipse its the same.

    whn we dont get sun race there are many chance for virus and germs to double up them selfs so its wist to bath.
    however i dont know abt onion rule. very comic...he he he...

    since is a open book. the man who did research's on wat basis did he do? mythology? if so science cant accept it. as there are no certian proof for any rule followed in mythology.

  7. the question is not taking, it taking bath with shampoo or not hehehe.

    He says he can prove everything, even Einstein was a self made scientist like the guy i mentioned, even if it is mythology there many things true about, they say science is open minded and y the hell they don't even look at his work. Let me tell you the calculations our ancestors for the age of the universe 432 billion yrs which science found out recently.THey made fun about these things, guess who had the last laugh. SO dont ever think that everything is false if its not approved by science.

    There are umpteen number of things which science has no explanation. So you cant say all false.

  8. the question is not taking, it taking bath with shampoo or not hehehe.

    He says he can prove everything, even Einstein was a self made scientist like the guy i mentioned, even if it is mythology there many things true about, they say science is open minded and y the hell they don't even look at his work. Let me tell you the calculations our ancestors for the age of the universe 432 billion yrs which science found out recently.THey made fun about these things, guess who had the last laugh. SO dont ever think that everything is false if its not approved by science.

    There are umpteen number of things which science has no explanation. So you cant say all false.

  9. i am not saying all mythological events are calculations are false. but we must also remember tat in the name of mythology many ppl say some total bull shits, which science dose not accept.

    ya ok science mst have taken a look of his work. but it dint its really pathetic.

    still i dont agree with wat u say as all said in mythology is correct. laws in mythology are ok, but the exceptions are funny.

    like wat u said,
    if a man eats onion on eclipse day without knowing its not recommended thn is it ok? total bull shit.

    this is like if u happen to get a blood of aids person without knowing he as aids thn aids wont affect u. will u agree this? if u do thn it means u have nt understood science.

  10. i am not saying all mythological events are calculations are false. but we must also remember tat in the name of mythology many ppl say some total bull shits, which science dose not accept.

    ya ok science mst have taken a look of his work. but it dint its really pathetic.

    still i dont agree with wat u say as all said in mythology is correct. laws in mythology are ok, but the exceptions are funny.

    like wat u said,
    if a man eats onion on eclipse day without knowing its not recommended thn is it ok? total bull shit.

    this is like if u happen to get a blood of aids person without knowing he as aids thn aids wont affect u. will u agree this? if u do thn it means u have nt understood science.

  11. @ sundaram

    Ya agreed, hey that exemption is actually a goof up they made up.

    i am not saying all myths are correct or wrong, people just tamper them like the exemptions i have mentioned. It will take us another thousand years to know the truth, someone might be writng a post like me in an ultra sonic speed car writng in a chip. crazy world it is hahaha

  12. @ sundaram

    Ya agreed, hey that exemption is actually a goof up they made up.

    i am not saying all myths are correct or wrong, people just tamper them like the exemptions i have mentioned. It will take us another thousand years to know the truth, someone might be writng a post like me in an ultra sonic speed car writng in a chip. crazy world it is hahaha

  13. I was planning to write a entry called eclipse or apocalypse soon. you beat me to it. Like the new layout btw

  14. I was planning to write a entry called eclipse or apocalypse soon. you beat me to it. Like the new layout btw

  15. @ Kavya

    Early bird catches the worm hahahaha.
    thanks i changed it weeks back.

  16. @ Kavya

    Early bird catches the worm hahahaha.
    thanks i changed it weeks back.

  17. Everybody was making a big hullabaloo of the eclipse. I just slept through it. ;). I know it's a once in a life time occurence and all that... but I was just too lazy... and there have been one-too- many of these once in a life time things recently to take all of them seriously. So I let this one pass.

  18. Everybody was making a big hullabaloo of the eclipse. I just slept through it. ;). I know it's a once in a life time occurence and all that... but I was just too lazy... and there have been one-too- many of these once in a life time things recently to take all of them seriously. So I let this one pass.

  19. @ Ajai

    I wasn't also too excited but exited enough to atleast on TV. Even if you miss this you can view the videos in the internet.

  20. @ Ajai

    I wasn't also too excited but exited enough to atleast on TV. Even if you miss this you can view the videos in the internet.

  21. Well,,me too,, slept the prev night at around 01.00am so couldn't get up at 6.30 again to watch de eclipse!! got up at 8.30 and went straight into the bathroom, coz i couldn't wait any longer to have ma breakfast!! u know me, de typical 'jughead'!!

  22. Well,,me too,, slept the prev night at around 01.00am so couldn't get up at 6.30 again to watch de eclipse!! got up at 8.30 and went straight into the bathroom, coz i couldn't wait any longer to have ma breakfast!! u know me, de typical 'jughead'!!

  23. @ ajay shyam

    jughead you hahahaha. Washed you hair or not, if don't know the rule exemption will be granted. ;)

  24. @ ajay shyam

    jughead you hahahaha. Washed you hair or not, if don't know the rule exemption will be granted. ;)

  25. As u said eating after eclipses finishes, & taking bath is all atrocious. I didnt believe it. Even i had a fight btwn me & ma dad. I even tried 2 c in ma naked eyes through binocular. But all went in vain. I could only c in tv. I didnt even have headbath.

  26. As u said eating after eclipses finishes, & taking bath is all atrocious. I didnt believe it. Even i had a fight btwn me & ma dad. I even tried 2 c in ma naked eyes through binocular. But all went in vain. I could only c in tv. I didnt even have headbath.

  27. @Vicky

    Hey crackpot thank God u didn't the see the eclipse with bare eyes. Already ur eyesight is very good,if you saw that then your eyesight will govinda govinda.

  28. @Vicky

    Hey crackpot thank God u didn't the see the eclipse with bare eyes. Already ur eyesight is very good,if you saw that then your eyesight will govinda govinda.

  29. ya well...I wasn't even allowed to have my coffee without taking a bath!! btw which college you in ?

  30. ya well...I wasn't even allowed to have my coffee without taking a bath!! btw which college you in ?

  31. dear venky,
    reached late as usual everywhere.this onion thing i never knew.what is the connection between onion n eclipse?
    lucky,you,you could enjoy bathing!the elders[ladies]have to clean the whole house,take bath and start cooking!
    and to be frank,i love these rituals!
    happy week end1

  32. dear venky,
    reached late as usual everywhere.this onion thing i never knew.what is the connection between onion n eclipse?
    lucky,you,you could enjoy bathing!the elders[ladies]have to clean the whole house,take bath and start cooking!
    and to be frank,i love these rituals!
    happy week end1

  33. the same case with my family too..lucky i went to delhi and my mom called me up and scolded me not to eat until you take bath..but by the time she called I had handfull of Idly's as breakfast in my friends home without taking bath.....

    what to do poor belief of ancestors...

  34. the same case with my family too..lucky i went to delhi and my mom called me up and scolded me not to eat until you take bath..but by the time she called I had handfull of Idly's as breakfast in my friends home without taking bath.....

    what to do poor belief of ancestors...


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