My First Shot at 55 fiction

Peops this is my first shot at 55 fiction and a nice chance to take a pot shot at me.

  First of all what is 55 fiction ? After reading quite a few 55 fiction posts, i can safely say they are thoughts which may be fictional or real, expressed within a word limit of 55 . 

     The above  paragraph is mandatory because your reader will be lost in thoughts  “what is 55 fiction?” Rolling Eyes. They might think this is some ghost story and run away. If you don’t write this then you will be poked in the eyes by God in your sleepShame on you.Laughing

I don't know whether what i have presented falls in such genre or is just a gag, anyways here it is. 
Not worthy

The TaLe Of ThE  2 BrAtS:

ABC Payer… cash payer Cool: Dont tell anyoneQuick gimme 2 of that for killing them as i told you yesterday. 
XYZ Nair: Whew bury them carefully, it’s dangerous. Here, take this cocktail of chemicals along with that. I can guarantee  this will work its magic on them.

Next day………
ABC Payer: At last i got those bratsPeace Sign. R.I.P ( Rats in Pieces)Laughing

NOTE: Catching rats using tea stall Masala Vadai with a chemical cocktail is a classic technique used in Tamil Nadu Raised Eyebrow. But the part we miss out is burying them. They are often thrown out precariously for the neighborhood crows’ breakfast. Very generous people hei ? LaughingRolling on the floor

  You could have now noticed why i used XYZ Nair as the other guy . Every other tea shop is owned by malayalees here. No offence meant .Angel

   Jokes apart “ cleanliness is Godliness keep your surroundings clean, we have got only one planet to destroy”  How is my message? Feeling beat up(thats me) vaangikko !!! ( take that)


  1. Thanks for the foreword and after-word: and yes the actual post was well contrived within 55! :P

    XYZ Nair? (b)rats? techniques? rotflest. You have in you to make it big too as a humour writer. Keep blogging and have fun! :)

    I lurrrved the god poking eye part too! lolz

  2. Venks!!
    "" If you don’t write this then you will be poked in the eyes by God in your sleep""
    ommachi kanna kuthidum :P ROFL!!
    hheheheheh :P

    oru yeliyin kadai! (Yeppudi, naangalum solvomla!)
    nobody could have ever thought of writing a 55Fiction with masala vadai and yeli!

    Venks Rocks (Ada ada, rhyming paathela!!)


  3. i've read loads of 55 fiction stories before,, but cant remember one with rats and vada bein de central characters!!(n o'course XYZ Nair) de PLOT was jus, jus so good! (and i mean it!) venky, tell ya what, 55 fiction could well be ur DOMAIN !! lookin forward to more 55 fiction from ya!!

    NOTE: this post measures 55 as well!! ;)

  4. ithu yena tea vechi comedy ya? ila yeli vechi comedy ah? yepadiyo comedy ngra peirla mokaya potachi :)! he he nice post bro..and good take in the 55 fiction!


  5. @ Srini

    I never knew this would impress you this much i am surprised

  6. @ Shruthi

    hey its nor " oru eliyin kathai" it is "iru eliyin Kathai". "ithu nejamalla Kathai". How is it ? naangallam one step ahead ma ;)

    After reading my blog and my comments you have also got that rhyming touch congrats.( secretly i am admiring myself hehehe)

  7. @ Ajay

    thats a good one buddy, strange thing is i am commenting on the 55 fiction comment which is not actually not fiction. Hope that what you have said is not fiction but fact. Now how is that one for a comment

  8. @ Hary

    Hary hero is not rat or tea, its the vadai which is the hero hehehe. Build up paathalla epdi nu, athu thaan 55 fiction. Seri at last did you see that message hehehe.

  9. hey mokka thaangala da!!
    Nijamalla kadhai!!
    Oru yelikkum vadaikkum ivlo importance ah?!??!
    Kuduthuvechurkku pa adhu rendum :P :P :D

  10. nice one Venky....
    much clearer than mine I suppose!!

    great going...

  11. @ RSV

    thanks buddy
    how quick is that for a reply

  12. nice one
    good opening of your 55fiction innings! :P

  13. funny :) nice try da :) Keep doing this...

  14. @ Anu
    thank you hope i will score a century

    @ RSV
    pretty quick

    @ Meow

    sure, but i hate your alias

  15. a very nice start to 55 fiction... hope to see more from u in future...

  16. [bows down] vidunga vidunga!!

    (enakkum oru masala vadai koodu XYZ NAir!!)

  17. Contract killing even for rats ,is it?
    You write very humourously Venky.You should write some longer story, witty or otherwise.You are able to make people smile

  18. @ Parthasarthi

    thanks sir, will surely try one, until then i will keep everyone smiling :)

  19. Dear Venky,
    hearty congrats for the first 55 fiction!
    sorry,i'm late here.i had read but hadn't left a comment.
    okeys,thanks for the explanation of 55 fiction.
    sense of humour helps you live longer,healthier.
    next time,you visit that shop of XYZ NAIR,please ask his name!he has a beautiful name!
    novelty in theme brought a smile!cool!

  20. hmm 55 fiction?i got to try this..i love your moral of the story :)we have got one planet to destroy??LOL

    I dont generally read blogger blogs ..comment follow up is tough for me..and i miss all the action after my comment :) :P

    so a simple thing i do..i dont comment at all..LOL...but i was persuaded to comment that you kno..
    I WAS HERE !! lol..and people are reading 55fction of yours! write more..i will come again :)(If i get a follow up comment mail ...LOL)

  21. @ Anupama

    No probs. its a fiction i never asked anyone so you can name whatever you want

  22. @ Forzenwell

    may i know persuaded you, and you need not comment on compulsion.

  23. nopes no compulsion..i really liked it yaar....kya yaar aap i am being so nice :( aur aap doubt kar rahe ho..actually i found a way to track comments...BACkTYPE YAY

  24. @ Narendra

    i am glad you can track back buddy would like to see more of you. Btw you havent answered my 1st question who perusaded you? i wanna know. I you dont wanna say in public mail me( mail id is in my blogger profile) hehehe.

  25. vekny..noone persuaded me to read ur blog..i just came across it in was a compliment..ur post persuaded me to comment!!are you happy now :)...
    tracking comments is still crap...bactype sucks..i gotto make a mark of blogger blogs i commented in and then visit them back...and see if they commented back or no..!!LOL


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