Indiblogger Meet @ Chennai March 20th 2010

   A few weeks back I got email from Indiblogger saying that I was invited to a blogger meet in Chennai on 20th march 2010. I didn't hesitate a bit to get myself registered for it. I was very eager about it

  Around 2 pm on 20th march I boarded 12G from my place at Ashok Nagar to reach GRT Convention Centre . It was one of those rare occasions when I arrived on time. There was queue standing in front of me, like many i didn't know purpose of the queueI dont know, which was actually for verifying my presence in the meeting.

  I looked around the place for some familiar faces, sadly i found none. I managed to make friends with people sitting around me, which was a great surprise, because I suck at starting a conversation. The host of meet Renie Ravin kicked off the meeting with a video on Hitler kicking his personnel's ass to attend the Blogger meet.

   Then came “30 seconds of Fame” I was not knew to this concept because i used to watch “15 seconds of Fame” on cartoon network Big Grin. It was really nice hearing the bloggers talk about them and their blogs. It was my turn and there came the boring intro which was “I do computer namaskaram blah blah blah” I finished my intro in 15 seconds thanks to my fondness of “15 seconds of fame”.I then happened to bump into to the only person i know, my blogger friend Sandhya.

  As we were seated in our places we were given black sketch pen and a chart which could be hung round the neck. My fantasy was taking a new level I was visualizing people in front of the podium hanging their charts like criminals.


   Thankfully, my horror story didn't come true. The purpose of it was to comment on the people wearing them. I coerced my friends to write on mine and went around asking for urls and if they refused, i would make them watch The Evergreen superstar SAM ANDERSON in as David in “Yaarukku Yaaro Stepnee”.

  All the commotion was over, it was time for some serious talk. The topics were “Blogging about social evils in anonymity” and “Blogging as a way to market products” I Personally think blogging in anonymity is cowardice and i would never do that.  The guests were Zee Tamil Editor Mr Balabharathi, who confessed he did not know English and yet wasn't spared for speaking in Tamil, which non-Tamil speakers didn't understand. Another person working for Australian media spoke about his conflicts between blogging and reporting.  “Zee Tamil” who were known for telecasting “Yaarukku Yaaro Stepnee” for the first time in the history of Universal television with interviews from one and only Sam Anderson, televised this meet sponsored by Univercell.

Univercell, our sponsors for this meet, announced a competition among bloggers for the best review of certain mobile phones. The winner gets to blog for Univercell. I knew i had no chance. I was probably the only one who did have a choice to have mobile but refrained from exercising it. May be i will have to re-think.

The bell was hit, everyone were restless to eat and in no mood to listen anymore. There were Rasamalai, Paneer Cutlet, Chicken Sandwich and Ice cream. For me, there was that one item less in menu due to my vegetarianism. My Love for being off-beat and freakish seem to never leave me. The rasamalais and ice cream got mixed with the sauce, wonder my the ice cream was bitter. I then stood in line to receive the ubercool Indiblogger Tee which i will proudly sport very often.

My unintentional comedy didn’t end there. I boarded a bus and this is what happened next


ME: Sir, One Ashok Nagar please.

Conductor: Raised Eyebrow

Me: I said one “Ashok Nagar“ didn't you hear?

Conductor: Duffer cross the road and take the bus which heads the other way.Feeling beat up

Me: Big GrinBlushing Please open the door sir.

Conductor: Go! ask the driver

Me: please open the door i have to get down.Angel

Driver: Why didn't tell me earlier?Angry

Me:Worried sorry


The traffic made sure that I walked much faster than the bus. Hence i walked from there to my place which is really far by walk Whew. At least burnt the calories and saved my pocket money, if there was one.

I expected many bloggers to be dull because people are not actually the same when you meet in person. I was given a rude awakening that it was just a mere cliché. Almost all the bloggers were funny and witty.

I met a lot of new people and made lot of new friends. And I was really enjoying tweeting with them later that about my prospective stomach trouble, courtesy sauce mix up. I heartily thank the Indiblogger team for organizing this meet and i am  looking forward to many more meets and tweets. Applause


  1. Ha ha ha!!! dude .. you are funny .. seriously

    " My fantasy was taking a new level I was visualizing people in front of the podium hanging their charts like criminals. "

    remind me not to bend over to pick up a bar of soap :)

  2. That was really funny....yes as you noticed I was happy to find so many humorous bloggers around!

  3. @ Anoop Johnson

    why a bar of soap?

  4. @ Srivalli

    Yeah it is nice when people are very jovial like the Indiblogger team

  5. Watchin sammy's movie s a treat n not a punishment dude... And u said the driver that the conductor said the bus wont go open the door i am going....and finally.... i love the way u write these blogs...just like stand up comedies .....

  6. Nice post dude. Let the comedian in you keep blogging.

  7. Venks,

    Good to know you enjoyed the meet. Such fora and meetings always help you recognise talent and gel I surmise.

    But yeah there is one point I would like to pic; not contentiously but merely to offer my opinion politely: anonymity is a privilege that is everybody's right to enjoy. While I understand what you mean when you call it cowardice, I can also fathom any number of reasons - funny, serious, persona etc - why a person may blog anonymously... not only when it comes to social evils but when it comes to issues they canNOT obviously talk straight with friends or parents.

    Good you burned a few calories. Knew another friend who used to walk on a regular basis from Spencer's to Kalaignar - former KK - Nagar!

  8. Its just a line in most prison movies :)

  9. @Zeon

    Thanks buddy will make sure of that

  10. @ Assy
    It is a treat for us but there people who despise it.
    No buddy took the bus which went towards Anna Square. I shouldnt have taken the one which heads towards the other way

  11. @ Srini
    Yeah spencers to KK nagar is hell a lot of distance. Opinons differ srini, that is how i feel.

  12. @Anoop Johnson
    I knew that was just jokin. Here a sketch pen would be apt for the INdichn meet

    "remind me not to bend over to pick up the black sketch pen"


  13. ha ha ha! Thats what I should have said LOL

  14. It seems like I happen to be one of the rare ones who did not mix the sauce with the ras malai and ice cream :)nice post!
    The epilogue to the meet was also a good one!

  15. @ Yuvika

    May be you didnt mix sauce because you didnt have it at all :D

    Thank you, that epilogue was invented my Sri sri poli poli Venkatananda in the year 2009 when he was in a meditative state :D

  16. logged in after a month i thnk :) love the template. perhaps its time 4 a change on my blogspot too.

  17. "Offense: Not visiting blogs these days

    Sentence: 0 comments for 10 posts (blank posts not included)"

    hahaha.. I think there is recession in blogosphere these days. Good to see you had fun meeting bloggers :)

  18. @ sayrem

    I've not logged in after i have logged in continuously for the past few days. Use the template designer and change the template that is how i did it

  19. @evanescentthoughts

    Thank you. Hope you will also have good time attending one if you come to India

  20. Venky:

    Are you the one with the V-club?

    I enjoyed the meet as well but I did not meet you. After all you were trying to victimise some paavam-looking individual to join your V-club.

    Leaving this place with guffaws.

    Joy always,

  21. @susan Deborah

    No i am not the one with club. May be i can Start one. I am the computer namaskaram guy.

    hope to see you more on my blog and more guffaws

  22. Hilarious! especially that "hanging their charts like criminals' and "Offense: Not visiting blogs these days

    Sentence: 0 comments for 10 posts (blank posts not included)"..lolzzz
    Only a fellow blogger can understand the extremity of this sentence! lolz. Enjoyed reading this post very much.
    For my post on the same..plz check

  23. @Umbrella:

    Yeah i will be devastated if I didnt get comments. Yeah i checked your post, but couldnt post a comment there

  24. I have experienced a similar bus incident experience! :P


  25. @ Neha
    :D dont tell me you were abused too :)

  26. Hey... I so much wanted to come for that. But I was out of town that weekend. Would have been nice to meet all the bloggies. Lucky you are. I envy you. Got free ice-cream also! :)

  27. @ Ajai

    Would have been nice if i met you. We could have had fun :D

  28. ROFTL at the display picture in the article!! I'm so glad you dint come dressed like that ;)
    Special credits to me :P LOL.. I had fun man! The chart thingy was equally funny! Keep it going da!

    PS: Indha mari dayavusenji mudi valakadhe :P

  29. @Sandhya:
    Why special credits to you?

  30. ROFL, if ur blog was funny, the comments are even more hilarious....
    I'm really gonna come back for more.. :)
    great blog dude..keep writing..

  31. That was a real nice one! Had an awesome flow and was really hilarious.. I never knew Indiblogger conducts meets.. :)

  32. @roarinsilence:

    I am sure you wont be disappointed

  33. @pooja Menon:

    The last meet was conducted in chennai 2 yrs back. I think they recently conducted one in mumbai and they are gonna conduct one in hyderabad. If you are a member of Indiblogger you will receive a mail.


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