New features in Blogger

    I owe a lot to blogger for my return to blogging. I always preferred Blogger to other blogging platforms. It was so capitulating for me that I could connect to people I would never even think of connecting otherwise when I started blogging. But off late I was losing that passion. I didn't blog for a whole month. The last time I didn't blog for a month was never.

  On one fine day I visited by ‘Blogger Dashboard’ to take a look at what my fellow bloggers have published. I then clicked the layout section to add a ‘twitter widget’ because that was in which, I was very active. I saw something called “Template designer”. I clicked the link and I was totally awed by it. Customizing my blog template according to my whims and fancies was a dream and have a glossy look and a transparent template was one of them.

Template designer

  I started exploring each and every option it had. I started the editing from about 9 in the morning and ended up editing till 5 in the evening. My fingers were very itchy; I wanted to write something and something quick. I chose to write what I know about “Time travel” and I was happy with the way it came out.

Template designer 2

   After 6 pm I was waiting for comments about the post and the template. The first one i recieved was from my advisor, well wisher and well read Srini.


I was over the top after seeing his comment about the post and template. I then recieved a comment from Neha and Ajay. Neha didn't have any clue about the equation and Mr Ajay (Dubai sheikh) was in denial mode that time travel was possible.


I couldn't resist myself from jumping in joy after seeing Avada Kedavra’s comment about the post and her linking that post in her blog.


   I then wanted to see whether any other new features were introduced by blogger. When i clicked the Post section I found an option called “Create a Page” Goodness, gracious me, is this dream or what? My feet weren't on ground I was flying up in the skies. You can check my new about page here


These were the two features i was dreaming that blogger would have and i got them. Now that has ensured that I will be blogging often just venture them. I also confess that my blog which I visited once in a blue moon is being constantly visited by me to see that lovely glossy template of mine Winking. This has set the blog registers ringing.

One thing I really want blogger to do is to make its commenting system more elaborate. I want a reply button to reply to the readers rather than using ’@’.  I know there are 3rd party widgets out there but there is nothing like having a commenting which is developed by the respective blogging platform in default.

Now you guys would know why I owe my return to Blogger. Hope I didn't bore you guys


  1. Good one, Venky!

    PS: Advisor blah blah laam yenakkum romba over pa. :D. 'Srini'-oda niruthirkalaame! :O

  2. Yes, I personally too prefer blogspot for all the features and an easy interface!

  3. @Srini:
    Ok, i get you humility :D

  4. @Yuvika:
    Exactly, But i am waiting for a threaded comment system by default

  5. thanks for the info,, beeen ages since i visited my dashboard.. and ya ..ur theme is sooooooper cool :D

  6. @ Meow:

    Thank you, Its my pleasure :)

  7. Yup! your new blog avatar is cool...elegant...i am trying those features right now!!!


  8. @Neha

    I am waiting to see yours

  9. I so very well agree with whatever you've written.. The new templates and options that Blogger has come up with is really appreciable! :)

  10. Liked the new look of your blog venky :) Welcome back!! We want more posts from you now! :)

  11. Something is wrong with the about page. It is not letting me comment :-/

  12. @pooja Menon:

    You know what pooja, i was surprised to on of my friends switching from wordpress hosting to blogger after seeing these features.

  13. @evanescensethoughts:

    Thank you avada. yeah that is a problem with blogger, i cant add comments to pages :(. They give problem everytime. To be honest thats whats making keep going, to work towards perfection

  14. I Don"T see any template designer and add new page option on my dashboard. :(

  15. @Nethra
    you will have to log on to and not

  16. Your blog template is AWESOME!
    Before,I used to alter the code for adding or deleting features in blogger,now I m planning to use the template designer! :)

  17. @ Swathi Pradeep:

    Yep use it. It is really good apart from from a bugs . You cant add a items like reactions, ratings to blog post after you apply the template. Otherwise it is nice

  18. @ Tripat Prerna: Thank you very much that is nice to hear evthough it was not a wonderful post ;)


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