The Mystery of the Missing Black Panther

It was yet another day in the life of Venky. Needless to say that it was also a jobless Sunday. I woke up and as usual did my computer namaskaram and blah blah blah. I ate some heavy Pongal and didn't have anything to do but to play FIFA 09.

While i was playing FIFA 09 this happened….

FIFA 09 lapse


I played with Arsenal and the ball went into the net and then out, rather through it. I was cheated of a goal. Why does this happen to Arsenal always Not talking. I didn’t know that this was just the tip of the iceberg. As i was drowning my sorrows drinking Aachi Mor ( Buttermilk),I got a call from my friend “Machi! come to play @ 2pm” I replied in affirmative and didn't move a muscle till it was 2.30


Operation Ven-Key

It was 2.30 and i started searching for my Black panther’s key. “Amma! Where is my key” “how would I know? You are the one using itAngry”. After searching in vain, I went downstairs to see whether i had left the key in my Black Panther itself. Tada! First i couldn’t find the key and now I couldn't find my black pantherSurprise.

My relationship with the Black panther lasted since school days, It’s gone now Crying. I asked the aunty who lived at ground floor, whether she had seen it. As usual she said “ I dont know anything. Watchman left just now”

Me: Amma and Appa; my black panther is missing

Appa: Do you mean your cycle is missing? (I hate when many Ignorant people call my Black Panther as BSA AXN cycle, but i forgive their ignorance)

Amma: Did you leave the key in the cycle itself?

Me: Actually, It is “Keys” and not “Key”. Our House key was in the same key chain.Batting Eyelashes

Amma: So we have to change our house lock to save ourselves for burglary.

Appa: Hmm! Smug One good thing, we need not incur expenses on that S’crap’ cycle anymore.


I gave up the search and I called up friend and asked them to pick me up because i lost my black panther. Their initial reaction was “ They stole your cycle? Laughing I’ll send someone to pick you up”

My friend came by and picked me up. On our way i saw my black panther nearby “Ganga Yamuna Chaat shop”, unabated in the same position. “See people are afraid of me and my black panther, no one touched it” My friend said “ You are unbelievable,Surprise man!”. How does donkey know camphor smell? I went to my house to give the house key to my mom and escape from there.

Me: Here! take the house key.

Mom: How?

Dad: Dont tell me you found the cycle!Striaght Face

Me: I guess i have to say it. I found my Black Panther


It was Saturday and I accompanied my Friend to the bus stop at Ashok Nagar who came by to study with me. On my way back i stopped by the chaat shop near my home Drooling. I ate a few mirchi Bajji’s and just walked away Whistling to my home, leaving my black panther stranded.


Apparently It should have been there overnight. Mirchi bajji Mabbu, I say

Mom: Congrats! Feeling beat up You have crossed the line from “Irresponsible” to “totally useless”

I closed my ears Not listeningand then went to play with my friends.

The next day, as i was getting seated on my black panther,  the Aunty I enquired the other day said “So you didn't leave your cycle at the Chaat shop today? Smug

Its official! I am a “COMEDY PIECE” Raised Eyebrow


  1. ithula yena sola vendiyathu.... yaru ipo comedy piece!! ha ha!

  2. case solved.. i was actually really worried reading the first part.. u c!!

    remember i was the one who raised the black panther all de way back when it was a cub!! ;)

  3. @ Hary:

    Yo poya poya. Kelambu kelambu kaathu varatum

  4. @Ajay Shyam:
    Yeah I adopted the black panther from you !!!!. After my Enticer died :-D

  5. Guess we all have our moments of looking a little... ungainly, perhaps?! :D

  6. Hehe.. Well written.. I like the way you put emoticons in your text.. That actually helps me get the exact emotions that u wanna convey.. Keep it up!

  7. I'm also too attached to my PC. If something happens to it, I get so worried. Guess its same with your black panther, isn't it?

  8. @srini
    Yeah Like you had one on twitter today :-)

  9. @Pooja Menon
    Thanks!, then I achieved what i wanted. You can get those emoticons if you use Windows Live writer

  10. @ Nethra:
    Actually I did not worry much. I am more concerned about my deity "Computer" :-D

  11. Great description...comedy piece! :P

  12. Ha ha ha.... I had a hearty laugh... Vaazhga neevir. Vaazhya ninadhu black panther...

    Elephanta Caves - Part II
    What I wore to Work

  13. @ Mitr friend- Bhushavalli:
    Nandri hai :-D

  14. Hehehe :)) nobody touched your black panther? That clearly describes its condition :P you should have put a pic of the cycle, would have helped us in imagining. Hehe

  15. @ evanescentthoughts

    Ok ok i will put it up soon ;-)

  16. Interesting header! :)

    Ur words and emotion icons grab the attention of reader till the end.

  17. @Chandrika Shubham:
    Thank you! and Emoticons courtesy my favorite Live writer


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