Inanity of Dreams
Ever since I joined as an intern at my current office. My sleeping patterns have vastly changed. My sleeping period normally falls between 2am to 7am or 8am depending upon whether I need to head to the office or the clients place. It was a far cry from when I used to sleep at 9-10 pm and wake up at pretty much the same time during my college days. The fact that the day time was consumed by work made me switch all the things used to do at college during the night. The activities ranging from watching night shows to watching documentaries and random stand up comedy on YouTube. Also I have gained some 10-15 kilos and lost so much hair since joining as an intern, which primarily is due to the lack of any physical exertion and too much mental exertion.
Recently I decided to donate Rs.850 every month to Pulse 7z. Yep, that is the name of a gym. Every day I try to get up early, every day i suck. 6-8 is the time I am in deep sleep. I get all kinds of dreams during that period.
I have had so many dreams in the past few weeks, I am very much convinced that my body is completely rested. I made it point to note down every dream I get after drawing a blank trying to reminisce what I dreamt the day before. Dreams are so inane that they make very entertaining blog posts. Sequence of dreams I had few days was so weird. Let me share that with you.
I am sitting at my home, which oddly looks like the suleer veyil noon time. I am looking at my phone and I peel off the scratch guard to see my display fully rusted. Like the glass is like dog shit color rusty! I reapply my scratch guard and the rust vanishes. Then I try it another time it doesn't vanish. I get fucking tensed and then I wake up. It's 5.45 am. I had planned to start at 6am, with the relief that it was all a dream I decided to sleep for fifteen minutes
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