
There are days when you wake up and do not want to face people. You just want to avoid the whole world and then sulk in frustration. If you actually take the plunge and get out, it is amazing how your day changes. There is no point in sitting and mourning over spilled milk. If you are not getting something that you need from somewhere, don't cry about it, just go "Well, I am gonna go here and find what I need". At least that's how I have been, all my life. It is not reflecting poorly on the places we don't get what we need, rather puts the stress on the reluctance to make a fuss about not getting something.

 In my opinion, what comes towards you is more important than things you go towards. I have let go numerous opportunities because I thought I will be of no use for the other person or they really didn't need me. I honestly think the world will be a better place and free of any disappointment, if we only did what we would offer others normally, rather going out of the way to impress them. It is really not worth it. I think we should see the things, the way they are, rather than what we want them to be. The problems crop up only when you identify yourselves with something that you are not.

 I have been quite lucky with attracting the right kind of people in every sphere of my life. Sometimes all it needs is that one friend who will cheer you up, rib you, you rib him/her and you slowly forget all that ever bothered you, before that point. For the moments you are with them, the world seems to be a wonderful place. The friends who cheer you up, keep changing from time to time, with the roles reversing. Eeriness will soon kick in, when you are on your own, staring at the ceiling, thinking where the next smile would be and the cycle kicks in. Let us live for the moments of camaraderie which keeps us all going. Put a smile on the person's face and see it reflect back on yours.


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