On travel

I wouldn't call myself a wanderlust, but I don't mind traveling. From the age of 5 to 22, I hardly traveled within the city, let alone outside the limits of the city. I spent all my childhood and weekends within the confinement of the neighborhood that I lived in. I didn't know many places in Chennai until 2011. 

I've just gathered my thoughts about traveling, so that I could refer to this after a period of time. Hindsight is always a better vantage point, isn't it?

More than the serenity of the destination, what has always amazed me, has been the journey to that place. Beauty no longer fascinates me, it is the oddities that do. I dont want to go beautiful places, i just want to go to odd places, the mundaness of the place that people look over when they view with a romantic eye.

My ideal kind of wander would be to choose to travel like a common man, stay in a humble place without any luxury and experience the place like how any local would, in that area. I don't want to eat my comfort food when I am travelling. I want to eat the food that is available there. I just want two things to be fixed when I am traveling. The entry plan and exit plan. I want the middle part to take it's own course, improvising as I travel.

There is this saying, "If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel together". Sometimes there is this urge to travel alone. It totally puts the control unto me. But then nothing matches the joy of traveling with the people you love and share a similar wave length. If you want to know someone, there is no better way than traveling together. You get to see the multiple facets of their personality, at their most vulnerable positions. You can only maintain the facade only for so long. You either grow apart in hatred or grow together in love.

Sometimes I feel travelling alone is liberating in the sense that you are not bound by anyone. You are on your own, you choose to do or not to do something. You do things at your own pace, you don't have get lost in the mad rush to tick off the places in your to do list, just for the heck of it. It is in stark contrast to the mundane life, where taking decisions is not in your hand and ones that have, hate to take decisions and move on. You are just saddled by the grief of inability to have a say over anything and you don't want this to spill over to the one area you don't want it to spill over.

When you travel with others you are bound to be out of your comfort zone now and then. It pushes you to do things that you normally wont to do. That is when new experiences, open you up to new ideas. For people who are lazy like me, it makes it easy when people are pushing me, to be constantly out of my comfort zone. I wouldn't have traveled to most of the places I traveled, if not for me tagging along with my friends.

To put it other way.  I would only to be travelling to places that I want to go for some purpose or the other, within my reach and deter all those places out of my reach. I have made so many plans in my head and I have shelved them just because I can't get there all by myself and because I couldn't find another person who shares the same inquisitiveness about that place, that I do.

Like all things in life, balance is the key. Extremes are always a problem. A string that is too tight or too loose will not give out the right note, same is true with life. 


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