Wrestling, movies and Bob Dylan

Started the day by watching the highlights of today's Smackdown live. They are building the Nakamura - AJ feud quite well. I was really thrilled to see Samoa Joe on Smackdown Live. The guy's promo are legit gangsta. He says it with so much conviction you just believe it's true.

Ended up watching this movie called "I am Legend". It was a load of bullcrap. The movie deals with a plot where the human race has almost gone extinct due to a genetically modified virus to cure cancer. The story starts 3 years after the virus spreading, in NYC which has been abandoned. You see Will Smith driving a god damn car with a fancy jacket, hi-tech gun and a german shepherd. How the fuck did he get these? Who the fuck gets him petrol? He tries to hunt deer, chasing them using his car. The roads are better than what highways in India are and listen to this, the motherfucker gives the dog a fucking bathtub bath. Who gives you electricity? Who supplies water for this? Then this fake ass guy goes to eat eggs and asks his dog to eat vegetables? Are you fucking kidding me? In a post apocalyptic world, 3 years after the apocalypse, where NYC is totally abandoned and the dude is the only survivor? American pop culture hollywood piece of shit. Do not watch this, unless if you have shitloads of time like me.

Listened to a couple of Bob Dylan songs that I used to listen frequently. Some of them are All along the watch tower, Tambourine man, It's Alright ma and Like a rolling stone. "It's alright ma" is one of my favorites, if you look at the style of the song, it is very much like a rap song. Dylan was an amazing lyricist. His songs were soul stirring. Thinking of it, Eminem's lyrics are somewhat modern day Dylan-ish.

One thing lead to another and I ended up listening to "Lost Highway" by Hank Williams. Universe has a way of playing songs that are in sync with you at the moment, doesn't it.


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