Appreciate what we have

What is it that makes us value things lowly when they are available in abundance? The usage of the word local colloquially is always is derisive and not reflecting good upon. Someone who is always available is quite always taken for granted. Why is the mere fact of being available more makes it unattractive for a person?

It has turned out to be fruitful day. I missed this so much! The riding of the motorbike, the ponds, the lakes, marshland, the beach, the deep blue sky, that gentle sound which is a honey to the ear, Tamil. Never have I been happy to be swarmed by a group of Auto/Taxi guys who tries to rip you off in Tamil.

I went through so many ecstatic moments today. Case in point being when I was riding along the Maraimalai Adigalar Bridge and I saw the clouds and the bright blue. I was in tears. Another moment where I noticed the lake in the backdrop of the Mountain in the Pallavaram periya eri. The line of buildings on the end of the marshland or rather on the marshland was a sight to savour. It was such a relief  to ride the bike and not have my destiny being driven by anyone but me. The sunset at the Chitalapakkam eri was the icing on the cake. Here we have such a beautiful place at your doorstep, yet you dont marvel it. You are busy looking at some other photograph of the place which is far away and not reachable. We are never happy with what we have got. Why is it that to enjoy a thing it has to be the best ever? It can be comparatively mediocre, yet you may like it and appreciate the beauty of it.


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