My Tryst with God

Does God exist? this question has been lurking me for a long time. Since i was born and brought up in a religious brahmin family my tryst with God had begun ever since i stepped onto this world. First thing i was taught was to fold my hands and pray. Everyone has two religions. One they are born into, another that they follow after growing up. Sadly most of the hindu customs are pretty much outta this world and higly symbolic. I was neither religious nor an atheist , but somewhere between the two. 19 is probably not the age for thinking about this. I was thinking about my teenage when was a tween and now my salvation. Pinjiliye pazhuthadhu as one would call in Tamil. This was when i started to search why i am here? Is there any being called GOD? Again it brings to Venkey and Mankey Venkey: Finally i found it! Mankey : Found what? Your non-existent brain Venkey : No stupid, the truth behind God. Mankey: Hahahaha what truth? You found the ornament worn by Rama and lip...