The Great Mad-ras University Results Saga

Guys i am back with another installment of the Mad-ras university leelais. You may ask what is so great about MU results. Yeah it's great with the precision they keep up in announcing the results. They are so!! on time they always announce a date and deliver the results exactly a month after that date. Can it get any greater than this. I was disappointed with their punctuality last time the one month tripled i got the results weeks before my next semester. Formula for calculating result date: Result date =1000 * (R.D+ 31 days or one month which ever is less) /1ooo R.D = first rumoured date. ( BTW the mutiplied by 1000 and divide by 1000 is just a gimmick to make it more complicated) Talking about the results of the semester i wrote this May they have not delivered yet, obviously considering MU standards. The other day i had an argument with one of my professors about this. Not like i do this once in a blue moon, i do this often. My professor was talking about discontinuing one ...